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나의 영어공부(1)

by Ur's coding world 2024. 3. 14.

스픽에서 공부했던 내용들을 복습삼아 기록에 남기도록 하겠다.

이렇게 올려가지고는 전혀 에드센스 광고수익을 얻을 수 없을 것 같지만....

어... 힘들어서 더 많은 노력을 여기에까지 들이지 못하겠어...

하는것과 해야하는게 너무 많아....복습하는 걸로 만족하자...

<기억하고싶은 구문 10개>


1) From what I've heard, she wants to get back together.


2) From what I know, Joy is from New york.


3) As far as I understand, Julia wants to leave Paju.


4) I first met him when I was in 21.


5) I'll let you know when I've found him


6) Believe it or not, I bumped into 정우성.


7) This may be a surprise, but she passed the bar exam.


8) You may not know this, but Kate is from North-Korea.


9) Are you telling me that he was hitting on you?


10) There is no way that he was cheating on you.



<오늘의 일일 작문>


I have exercised in jym today. OMG. My mussle seems like ruined?찢어진.

I am trying to go to gym everyday except weekend. 

Sometimes I used to go to gym even saturday.

'When did I register the gym?' ---> it was 19, fabruary 2024.

It has been almost a month.

I feel happy and painful when I am exercising.

I'm sick every day every moment even when I am sleeping, but I like that pain.

That pain will make me more powerful and more healthier

I am looking forward to come the day! 

Even if it is hard, I am proud of me for doing my best. 



<Chat GPT가 수정해준 작문>


Today, I exercised at the gym. Oh my god, my muscles feel like they've been torn apart.

I'm trying to go to the gym every day except for weekends.

Sometimes I even go to the gym on Saturdays.

"When did I register at the gym?" ---> It was on February 19, 2024.

It's been almost a month already.

I feel happy and in pain when I'm exercising.

I'm sick every moment, even when I'm sleeping, but I like that pain.

That pain will make me more powerful and healthier.

I'm looking forward to that day!

Even though it's hard, I'm proud of myself for doing my best.


***Corrected parts:

  1. Changed "jym" to "gym" for correct spelling.---->ㅋㅋㅋ
  2. Adjusted verb tenses for consistency.
  3. Ensured correct punctuation.
  4. Clarified the question format in sentence 4.
  5. Made minor adjustments for smoother flow and clarity.

*** torn apart. : 뜯어진 상태, 근육이 힘을 많이 받아 아프고 손상된 느낌



몸이 아프다. 정말 하루가 뜻깊다. 

아침에 집안일 다끝내고, 오전에 컴퓨터와 코딩공부도 늘 하고, 점심에 딸래미 하교시키며 놀이터도 갔다가

오후에는 운동하러 매일 가고, 이렇게 시간 틈틈히 영어공부도 매일 하고. 저녁엔 또 애돌보며 애 공부봐주고.

하루가 너무 알차서 행복하다. 내 근육이 아픈 것 또한 내가 하루를 열심히 산 결과물이라 고통마저 기분좋다.

그게 나의 원동력인가보다. 아파야한다면 성장을 위한 아픔이도록 노력하자~ 좀. 오글거리네?ㅋㅋㅋ


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